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Repairing and Troubleshooting uPVC Windows

Photo by: Bigstockphoto
Photo by: Bigstockphoto

Unlike traditional window frames, uPVC window frames are easy to install and repair. But just like anything in life, the material is not perfect. Oftentimes, you’d come across baffling problems such as the windows getting jammed, or it won’t shut close completely. Most homeowners are happy to call a professional to fix these problems. But if you’re a DIY-er and you want to save money, you can do the repairs yourself. In today’s post, we are addressing some of the most common issues with uPVC windows:

Windows That Do Not Close Properly

It’s common for some windows to not close properly after years of usage. Usually, when the window does not shut close properly, it leaves a gap between the main frame seal and the window frame. This allows the draft to set in. Air also escapes within the gaps, leading to higher energy consumption.

A quick way to rectify the issue is to adjust the cam sliders on the handle side of the window. Get an Allan key into the cams and try turning them slightly. Because the cams are compressed, they will pull the uPVC window back into place. However, if the gap is near the hinge of the window, then you might be using the wrong rubber gasket. The rubber gasket could be too thick or it was fitted in the wrong position. If the gasket is the wrong thickness, you’ll have to disassemble parts of the window to retrieve and replace the gasket. On the other hand, if the issue is caused by a misaligned gasket, simply push the gasket into the right place.

Closed Window Left a Corner Gap

If the closed window leaves a small gap in the corner, it means the hinges might’ve been opened incorrectly or placed on the wrong side of the window. To resolve the problem, check if you are opening the hinges in the direction of the arrow before you install the fitting. If the window is opened incorrectly, you can return the hinges to the correct position and have the windows re-fitted.

Replacing Rivets with Screws

Usually, window frames are secured by rivets. If say, the uPVC window hinges have rivets and you want to use screws instead, know that there are standards you have to observe first before replacing them. The last thing you want is to cause major damage on the windows!

Start by getting the right size and window hinge orientation. Usually, screws can be used on uPVC, aluminum and timber windows. If you’re unsure about the type and size of the hinges, take a picture and show it to a hardware sales rep. The sales rep will guide you through the different sizes of hinges for the window.

Once you got the right window hinges, you’ll have to disassemble the old window hinges and replace it with the new ones.

Using a 4 to 5 mm drill bit, drill the top of each rivet carefully, it should come right off. Do not drill all the way through. Once the top rivet is removed, you’ll see a small circle from which the old rivet was installed. Push through the frame using the drill bit. Now refit the hinges and secure them with screws.

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